Deletion Request by Provider
Platform Providers can submit a deletion request on behalf of a user.
Organisations can delete user accounts. If your company's platform account has User Edits enabled and has been assigned a branded app, you can submit deletion requests on behalf of users (Provider Request).
This feature is specifically designed for the following scenarios:
Companies who need to delete users due to staff turnover. If the app is distributed to employees of an organisation, the deletion of users by the provider may be required.
Limited Time Users. If apps are provided to users for a limited time only, the provider may wish to delete such users once the allocated time has lapsed.
Unique Retention Requirements. A provider may wish to manually enforce data deletion based on their own set of retention requirements.
To enable this feature on your platform account, contact your Platform Licensee.
In order to create a deletion request your platform account must meet all of the criteria listed below:
Branded App. Your platform account has been assigned as the owner of the branded app.
App User Edits. Your platform account has App User Edits enabled.
Admin or Agent Role. Your platform user account must have the admin or agent role.
Permission. Your organisation has the authority/permission to submit the request on behalf of the user.
The platform licensor or its licensee is not responsible and does not provide any warranty for platform accounts that delete account/user data and do not have the correct authority/permission.
Create a Deletion Request
Once the User Edits feature is enabled, new options will be available in Users under Groups or Users under Cohorts (depending on the platform configuration). To create a request, select options from the user record and select:
Delete App Data. This will create a Delete App Data request where all data (logs and stats) will be removed for the user on the selected app, effectively resetting the user to a clean slate.
Delete Account. This will create a Delete Account request which will delete the user account from the platform completely.
When creating a request, you will be presented with a number of options and information:
Notify User (Optional). By default, the request will notify the user of the deletion. You can, however, decide to disable notifications. Inactive users (users that have not activated their profile) will have their notifications automatically disabled.
Reason (Optional). You can provide reasons as to why the deletion request is being created on behalf of the user. This can be useful to provide information to the user (if notifying) and/or keep a record of why the request was made.
Selected App. If the request is a Delete App Data request, you will be able to select which apps to delete user data from. If you have multiple branded apps, you will have the option to remove them from individual or from multiple apps.
Organisations. Under Organisations, you will see a preview of which platform accounts will be part of the deletion process. If there is more than one platform account, the deletion will only occur once all platform accounts have confirmed the request. This ensures compliance across multiple platform accounts where the user's data has been processed. In most cases, you will only see your own platform account.
Retention & Erasure. While creating the request, you can provide answers to the Retention and Erasure questions. This is a convenience feature which allows your platform account to automatically confirm the request without having to wait for the Deletion Request (as one would do if the request were submitted by the user).
If the request only involves your platform account under Organisations, the action will happen immediately. Before submitting the request, make certain you want to delete the account or user app data as this step cannot be undone.
Testing this feature
If you wish to test this feature before we recommend following the steps below to observe how this process works:
Create an App Account. Sign up on your branded app with a temporary email. You can generate one from services such as TempMail.
Create Request. Follow the steps in the Create Deletion Requests for the temporary email.
You will not be able to create a Delete Account or App Data request when the user is connected to a platform account.
Last updated